Accessibility Recommendations

Office of Disability Services policies, forms and contact information

How to email eLearning or University Computer Services (Video no sound)

Voice Type, Speech-to-Text

Use the tools below to capture as text live on campus or online lectures, take notes using voice typing, or use these tips to transcribe course videos for closed captioning. Please note, that some addition edits may be needed once these tools transcribe the speech it hears in to text.  Using a microphone will improve service. However, as you learn how to speak (tone, speed, volume) using these tools and as the tools learn to hear your voice, this will improve and minimize the number of edits you find.

Windows PC or Office 365

Speech to Text for Windows and Microsoft 365

Dictate in Microsoft 356

Use Dictation to Talk Instead of Type on PC

Google Docs (Works well to capture as text live lectures, or play a video with feature on to provide closed captions.)

Type with your voice. Go to Google Drive > New > Docs > Tools > Voice Typing

Apple - Mac, iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone

Voice Control on Mac

Voice Control on iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone  (See dictation section)

Hear Text, Make Any Document Audible, Text-to-Speech

Microsoft Windows

Mac - Once activated on. Mac > highlight text in document > right click > select speech > start speaking.

Mac Voiceover User Guide


Google Play Android

Live Caption

Live Transcribe